Halloween mascots

Larger than life devils and gothic creatures are sure to make your Halloween scarier. We have an exotic selection of creepy Halloween Mascots that will add the right dose of eeriness to the occasion. These Halloween Mascots are mostly used by businesses to promote their special products and services for Halloween. The scary yet adorable mascots can also help add that special touch to your personal parties. Our Gargoyle Mascot Costume looks like a larger than life evil creature while the Luifer Mascot Costume with a cape and horns looks like a blood thirsty demon on the prowl. You may also like our selection of Leprechaun Mascots and People Mascots.

  • Skeleton Mascot Costume (Rental)

    Mask US

    Skeleton Mascot Costume (Rental)

  • Werewolf W/ Fangs Mascot Costume (Purchase)
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    Mask US

    Werewolf W/ Fangs Mascot Costume (Purchase)

    MSRP: $1,495.00
  • Alien Mascot Costume (Rental)

    Fantasy Costumes

    Alien Mascot Costume (Rental)

  • Mummy Mascot Costume (Rental)

    Fantasy Costumes

    Mummy Mascot Costume (Rental)
